One key step towards elevating your photography game is understanding all of the modes available on your camera – like aperture, shutter speed and manual mode settings. Today we’ve got you covered with five comprehensive and free guides that can help make sense of these complex camera modes!

1. Camera Basics Series – Exploration of Shooting Modes

Photzy’s free guide offers an ideal starting point for new photographers looking to begin photography. By outlining all of the basic shooting modes clearly and concisely, this will help you understand when and why to utilize them. Click Here – To Get Your Copy Today

2. Gaining Familiarity with Your Camera Modes

This free guide explores the various camera modes and offers in-depth explanations on their usage! For an informative view on each type of mode and how it affects photos, this resource is your perfect solution – click Here – now!

3. An Explanation of the Exposure Triangle

This guide offers an excellent introduction to ISO, Aperture, and Shutter Speed – commonly referred to as the Exposure Triangle. These three elements play an essential role in camera exposure – commonly referred to as your EV (exposure value). Click Here – for more!

4. Analyzing Differences Between Manual Mode and Auto Modes

Manual photography may seem intimidating to beginners, but that doesn’t have to be the case! This free guide discusses both auto and manual modes as well as camera settings you might not have previously considered. Click Here – to Learn More About them Now.

5. Focus Points, Drive Modes and How to Apply Them

Focusing your camera lens onto the right subject is integral to photography, and mastering focus points to capture sharp images is an invaluable camera skill! This free guide covers how to master focus points to ensure that you highlight what matters – your subject(s).